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  •  Your current location: > Home  >Products  >Drive shaft series
    Crowned Tooth Drive Shaft
    Hits:708  Addtiime:2019-10-21 [Print] [Back]

    The transmission shaft is connected with the circular objects or parts assembly parts and can move or rotate, generally used light alloy steel torsion resistance better made. Wuxi Ruier precision machinery Limited by Share Ltd in the production of the spline shaft month drum gear transmission shaft has been quite mature.
    Spline shaft, is named according to its appearance, with longitudinal keyway in the shaft sleeve appearance, rotating parts on the shaft also has the corresponding keyway, can be maintained with the axis synchronous rotating. In the rotating at the same time, some still can make longitudinal sliding on the shaft, such as gearbox shift gears etc.. Also some to maintain reliable lock, often used in brake, steering mechanism. There is a telescopic shaft, composed of inner and outer tube, an outer tube with inner teeth, inner pipe with an outer gear, sleeve together. When used in the transmission of rotary torque at the same time, in the length direction can be telescopic. The drive shaft is the most typical. Drum gear transmission shaft is mainly suitable for large machine equipment.

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